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Liberation Fund

Liberation Fund is a nonpartisan entity developed specifically to explore and execute litigation and lobbying strategies to dismantle systemic racism in institutions that have been identified and detected to be utilizing such an approach towards governance-private or public. Liberation Fund is to become the central body focused on bringing together the wide and diverse community of key stakeholders seeking to obtain social justice for overly policed communities. The Liberation Fund will assemble a litigation team and strategy that incorporates a group of dynamic lawyers and an aggressive approach to evaluating and litigating civil rights cases that typically get overlooked, but have the ability to catalyze change on a local, statewide and federal level. With the continued loss of life due to state sanctioned violence and terror aimed at Black Americans, there has been an international call to action for all who seek an end to police misconduct and police brutality. We are seeking to shift the aims of corporate responsibility and Big Law legal strategy to assist in dismantling the structural racism that allows for a lack of accountability in policing. 

SVP Dallas serves as the fiscal sponsor of Liberation Fund and is accepting donations for this purpose. Your donation will be received by Social Venture Partners Dallas and your confirmation email will come from SVP Dallas. Social Venture Partners Dallas is a U.S. tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.


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